Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mab and Oenghus

Nearly thirteen years ago, I held two tiny dachshund puppies in my hands and fell immediately in love.  Even to this day, that love has never dwindled.  We've done everything together, Mab, Oenghus, and me.  But especially Mab and Oenghus.  They developed in the womb together and since that time they've never been apart from each other for more than a week.  They go on walks together.  Sleep together.  Hump each other.  They do everything in a duo but fight.  They never seem to get on each other's nerves, unlike any other siblings I know--myself included.

It fact Mab and Oenghus, the now full-grown and graying miniature dachshunds even had to go and become paraplegic together.  After a long puppy-hood of romps in the mountains and sex on the beach, Mab and Oenghus' spines went out on them within three years of each other.  They haven't walked since, but have scooted along with limp hind legs happily in-tow.

The fact that their ability to walk and be typical rambunctious dogs has been taken from them but their luster for life hasn't changed has always inspired me.  Oenghus and Mab, legs or no legs, have lived on enjoying every bit of life they can, proving to me that life doesn't stop being worth living just because things aren't the way they're "supposed" to be.  There'll still be beautiful sunny days, people who love you, and leftover Thanksgiving scraps to look forward to even if it takes a little longer to scoot there than it used to.  Being reminded of this everyday by Mab and Oenghus has continually been a blessing in my life.

Tomorrow, Thursday, January 7th, 2010 is the last day Mab and Oenghus will grace this world with their presence.  Fitting with the rest of their lives, they will be put to sleep together at our home in the loving care of their three canine siblings, feline sister, Mom, Dad, Dylan, Erin, Andrew, and Sedona.  I would give anything to be there and remind them of how much they mean to me, how much I love them, and that even though they won't be basking in the sunny spot of our front yard anymore, not a second of any day for the rest of my life will go by without my thinking of them, missing them, loving them, and being thankful for the beautiful part of my life that was spent with them.

Unfortunately, I'm 6,000 miles away from where I should be right now.  I can't say "Goodbye, until we meet again" the way I want to.  So, instead, I would like everyone here to know, on the last day that Mab and Oenghus are with us, how much these two little dogs have made an impact on my life.  They will be missed by everyone who knew them.

Mab and Oenghus:  Thank you for letting me be a part of your amazing lives.  I love you.  Always.


  1. Well put, Leith. I know that both Mab and Oenghus appreciate all you've done for them. I still remember the day we took them home, sitting in the back of the car and holding Oenghus in the palm of my hand; he was so tiny. I think he always liked going for rides in the car. Mab has always been the epitome of just living life as it comes - I don't think she's ever really suffered because she always just rolls with it. I'm glad that they've been able to live comfortably for so long. I know we'll all miss them.

  2. This was a beautiful memorial to them Leith! How sad to think they will no longer be here, but what a joy to know they will have their legs again and be romping around together and having sex on the beaches of heaven! :D I love you, and hope that despite having to say goodbye to them from so far that your Thursday is good. May the punk French teenagers not be so... punk-y? :D Love you Leithy!!!

  3. i'm too distraught still to write anything, thank you leith for saying it so beautifully, and i love the photo! there's a hole in my heart... love you, mom

  4. Thank you all for remembering them. I miss them everyday. They're definitely very well and lovingly remembered.


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