Tuesday, September 15, 2009

La fête of my depart

Saturday night the clouds parted, the planets aligned, and heaven created a day in my honor: my going away fête ([feh-tt]:party).  Ok, no, I'm not quite that narcissistic (yet!), but with all the delicious food (in line with polylgot American culture, a truly global feast: lasagna, cucumber and tomato salad, chips and salsa, cream torte, cheese plate), gifts, cocktails, and company involved, I don't see why the country didn't just declare the week before my departure a national holiday.

Everyone arrived at 6:30 pm, and stumbled off drunk around 2:00 am, just in time for me to crawl into bed and sleep off a potential gueule de bois ([goo-wl doo bwa]: hangover).  What I learned from the whole night: mix a splash of Chambord liqueur with a glass full of champagne, top off with a raspberry, and you have a refreshing, colorful, delicious drink in your hands straight from France.  Who knew?

A big merci ([mehr-see]: thank you) to my family for spending Saturday night together.  I can't wait until the next family gathering, when baby Sedona will be at the table too.  In the meantime, I leave in six days and here I am, procrastinating in front of Blogger.  I never learn.


  1. Your dad's cucumber and tomato salad was definitely tasty, and nothing like that Bavarian Cream torte, and cheese of Saint Andre! Fergus really did want to take off with that bread! When we crawled into bed to sleep off a potential gueule de bois, I couldn't help but feel so tremendously satisfied. Thank you guys so much for having us there!

    Avec amour,

  2. It was a fun night! However, to clarify, not EVERYONE stumbled off drunk! Sedona is much too young to indulge in French cocktails! I can't believe you'll be leaving soon! :( The holidays will be so lonely without you and Zoe:(

  3. Suzanne's squash dish was delicious too! Had a couple bites of one and she did a really good job. My mom eat sit everyday. Thank you so much for being there :-)

  4. Jen/Erin: drunk off of Martinelli's, then. ;)

  5. glad we could all be together, thought it was a great party! love you all! anni


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