Monday, October 5, 2009


Today was my first day as une assistante d'anglais (euhn ah-seez-tahnt dh ahn-glay: an English assistant).  I'm tired, hungry, thristy, and I'm pretty sure I've crapped my pants out of nervousness somewhere along the way.  However, I'm still vivante (veehv-ahnte: living), though barely because my apartment doesn't have l'Internet (the Internet).  It's rare that I'm even allowed to log into Facebook or Blogger, let alone acutally post pictures or blogs or do anything remotely interesting.

While I'm hoping to change this situation soon, I did want to say that I've survived my first day on the job and have a week full of work ahead of me.  Also, I've decided to stay in my big apartment in this small town, to give life in a French village a shot.  After all, even life in a French village is still la belle vie française, non (lah bell vee frahn-sayz, no: the beautiful French life)?

Keep tuned, and let me know of any exciting news in your part of the world!  I haven't been able to check into Yahoo! headlines for about a week now, which (I'm sad to say) has been my connection to the rest of the world since I arrived in France two weeks ago.


  1. Leith! I haven't heard from you in quite some time. It sounds like were in roughly the same situation if but a few months apart. I finally regained internet access just this last weekend after about two months of virtual isolation here in semi-rural Hokkaido, Japan.

    How is France? I'm so glad that you were able to find a means to return. How do you enjoy teaching English? My job is a sort of hybrid, part-time English teacher, part time Japanese government worker but always entertaining. Let me know how things are going.

  2. i miss our internet relationship!!! things will work themselves out. hasn't it only been two weeks today???? hugs and love, mom

  3. And such a wonderful une assistante d'anglais you are. I wish I was in your class! But I would probably be such a troublemaker, with an obvious, potent crush on my teacher. I hope that wouldn't piss you off too much! I am so insanely overdue to post something to my blog, but I enjoy reading your's so much, mon cher Leith! I forsee it will be about how much Skype has changed my life, getting to talk to you in France :)

    Bisous et amour,

  4. No, having a sexy man my age fall madly in love with me wouldn't piss me off at all. Having the high school students I just introduced myself to on Monday hunt me down on Facebook, however, is a different story... ;-)

  5. Wesley! Hey you! Wow, Japan huh? That is so exciting and I definitely would love to hear more. How long are you there for?

    Yeah, having no Internet is the most depressing part of this experience so far. It's actually pretty pathetic how addicted I am to it, but hey, it's to our generation what pot was in the '60s: too much makes you stupid but everyone does it and it's relatively harmless in small amounts, right? That's my reasoning, anyway...


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